Uneven skin tone can result from several things.
Hormone Changes: Pregnancy or even when taking birth control can cause Melasma also called “the pregnancy mask” is a common skin problem during pregnancy, and it can give you an uneven skin tone. The imbalance in our hormones causes high melanin production, causing brown to gray-brown patches, usually on the face. Most women get it around the cheek area, bridge of the nose, forehead, chin, and right above their upper lip.
Sun Exposure: When you get too much exposure to the sun your skin produces excessive melanin. These pigments absorb UV rays, which causes damage to your skin cells, making the exposed areas darker than the rest. This also causes hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation: The skin may become a darker color if any part of your skin has sustained scarring caused by a condition like eczema or psoriasis.
Acne on your face is a leading cause of hyperpigmentation and can leave ugly scars behind.
Aging: As you age, you get age-related spots on your face and other areas.
DIY All-Natural Uneven Skin Tone Remedies Pin
Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to combat issues like uneven skin tone unless you follow a proper skincare routine. No fear, there are things you can do to naturally correct this problem.
Orange Juice and Turmeric Face Mask
Orange Juice And Turmeric
Turmeric has been a skin lightening agent for ages. Orange juice has bleaching properties that reduce blemishes and dark patches and make your skin glow.
Ingredients Needed
1 tablespoon orange juice
1 teaspoon turmeric
What To Do
Blend the orange juice and the turmeric well.
Apply it to your skin and let it dry for 10 minutes.
Wash with cold water.
Yogurt, Turmeric, and Lemon Juice Face Mask
Turmeric, Yogurt, And Lemon Juice Face Mask
Both yogurt and lemon cleanse your skin and lighten your skin tone. Turmeric contains antioxidants that scavenge the harmful free radicals, keep your skin firm, and delay the aging process.
Ingredients Needed
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon lemon juice
What To Do
Mix ingredients in a small bowl.
Apply the face mask and massage for 2 minutes in a circular motion. Air dry then wash with cold water.
Milk, Gram Flour, and Baking Soda Mask
Milk, Gram Flour, And Baking Soda
Goat’s milk is exceptionally gentle, and out of all types of milk, its pH is the closest to our skin. It exfoliates the dead skin cells to make your skin tone even. Gram flour makes your skin firm, and baking soda is a natural exfoliator.
Ingredients Needed
2 teaspoons goat’s milk
1 teaspoon gram flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
What To Do
Mix ingredients together in a bowl then apply evenly to your face.
Let air it dry.
Gently wash with cold water.
Tomatoes, Lemon Juice, and Honey Mask
Tomato, Lemon Juice, And Honey Face Mask
Tomato is rich in vitamin A that helps in reducing blemishes and dark spots, thus giving you an even skin tone. Honey keeps your skin moisturized, and lemon juice tightens the pores.
Ingredient Needed
1 tablespoon tomato juice
2-3 drops lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
What To Do
Blend the tomato juice with lemon juice and honey.
Apply evenly throughout your face.
Let it stay for 15 minutes.
Wash off with warm water and then follow it up with cold water.
Raw Papaya and Raw Milk Face Mask
Raw Papaya And Milk Face Wash
Green papaya is loaded with enzymes, alpha hydroxy acids, and papain. It removes dead skin cells from your face, making it appear bright. Milk contains lactic acid, which is an excellent skin brightening agent.
Ingredients Needed
½ cup raw papaya (diced)
2 tablespoons raw milk (adjust portion for consistency)
What To Do
Blend the raw papaya into a smooth paste.
Add a tablespoon of water if needed (but not more than that).
Add milk to it and to make a thicker paste.
Spread all over your face and neck.
Wait for 15-20 minutes and let it dry.
Wash off with cold water
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