What is cellulite? Well, other than the annoying dimpled-looking spots we tend to get on the back of our thighs, cellulite refers to the fat deposited on particular body parts, especially on the stomach. It kind of looks like cottage cheese below the skin. Many women find themselves asking what causes cellulite?
Cellulite is a fatty tissue that emerges below the skin’s surface. A common myth is that only people that are overweight have cellulite; So not true. Skinny people can have cellulite also on their buttocks, breasts, thighs, and abdomen.
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4 Causes of Cellulite And Ways to Treat It
What Causes Cellulite
Below are 4 causes of Cellulite:
1. Genetics
People whose close relatives with cellulite may be more prone to getting it one day. Studies show that almost 85% of women with cellulitis have relatives (primarily parents) affected by the same problem during their lifetime.
2. Shortage of exercise
People who don’t exercise need to tone their muscles to limit cellulite formation. Followed by a cardiovascular program or strength training is an excellent way to keep cellulite away! Walking, jogging, and swimming are fun ways to prevent cellulitis.
3. Poor eating habits
Guilty, yes, I am. Unhealthy food and excess alcohol consumption, caffeine, or spicy foods are closely connected to cellulite accumulation. When a person consumes too many of these foods, the body loses its ability to push the toxins, so they are stored in the fatty tissue. Experts recommend 8 glasses of water every day rather than caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.
4. Smoking
Did you know that smoking is a major cause of cellulite? It weakens the skin by constricting the capillaries and hurts the connective tissue. As a result, the skin develops cellulitis. A surefire way to reduce or eradicate cellulite is through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and enough water to eliminate the toxins from within your body.
What cellulite looks like under the skin
There are tons of so-called cellulite remedies available on the market today.
Some of them are the following:
People who are experiencing excessive cellulitis and need to eliminate it as soon as possible resort to liposuction. This is the removal of cellulite or fat deposits through a surgical procedure. Although liposuction can have possible side effects, more and more people are taking this route due to the speed and proven results.
However, we all can’t afford liposuction, so you rely on cellulite creams that contain minerals, herbs, antioxidants, and vitamins. These creams provide the needed moisture and increase the blood supply to renew damaged and dehydrated cellulite-affected areas. These creams have a low approval rate because minimal results can be seen after months of use.
Cellulite Lift
On the other hand, it has had encouraging results. It is specifically designed for people who have lost a considerable amount of weight, resulting in excess skin. As of today, cellulite lift is the most invasive procedure to repair youthful skin. While it promises excellent results, it also comes with disadvantages. It can leave an extensive scar and a more extended recovery period for the patient. Bad lifestyle habits such as smoking and not wearing sunscreen can sabotage your plastic surgery results by causing wrinkles to form and the skin loosened.
Laser Lipolysis
This technique was developed in Italy. This is done by inserting ber-optic lasers through small incisions on the targeted body part. The laser consumes more than 500 grams of body fat. Cellulite is one of the biggest problems being faced in American today. However, with the prevention tips and techniques, cellulite should be no big deal.
Dermal Fillers
Doctors are using injectable fillers like diluted Radiesse or diluted Sculptra to stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of cellulite. Sculptra stimulates your body to create new collagen, which fills up the dimples. Sculptra contains poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic material that is both biocompatible and biodegradable. It’s found in dissolvable stitches and is naturally absorbed by the body. Radiesse provides structure and stimulates your own skin’s natural collagen. Radiesse is not a hyaluronic acid, but it is made of Calcium Hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres suspended in a gel.
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